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Del Norte High School
Speed & Power Training
Fall, 2019
Every Monday and Wednesday 4:30-6:30pm at the Del Norte Track

Overall Program Details
This program is open to all Del Norte High School athletes in all sports.
Training sessions led by Coach Mickey Ferri, Ph.D., Del Norte HS assistant Track & Field coach during track season February-May. Coach Mickey's full bio is here.
Emphasis on (A) improving speed & power, (B) ensuring proper recovery & (C) preventing injuries by improving mobility & coordination
Training based on a year-round training schedule, and will vary according to each athlete's sports and current ability
Training is coordinated with Coach DeShawn Meacham's Strength & Conditioning program. We will spend time at the track, on the field, and in the weight room depending on each session's activities
Coach Mickey will modify training for each individual to fit around other sports & activities. For example:
If your out-of-season weight training with Coach Meacham is Mon. / Wed, we will work on speed, mobility & coordination each Mon. / Wed.
If your out-of-season weight training is Tues. / Thurs., we'll use Wednesday as a recovery day with a focus on mobility, stretching, balance, and less intense exercises.
What to Expect Each Day
Before arriving, be sure to have a snack and be well-hydrated (Ideally eat 150-500 calories between 2-3:30pm and drink 32-64 oz. of water or other fluids between 2 and 4pm). More info on how to prepare here.
Please arrive at the Del Norte Track by 4:15-4:20. We will start the group dynamic warmup at 4:30pm.
4:30-4:55: Group dynamic warmup. Click here to download a pdf of the full list of exercises. We may shorten or lengthen the dynamic warmup depending on the daily workout.
5:00-6:00: head to the weight room for strength & conditioning workout with Coach Meacham.
6:00-6:30: Cool down and recovery - we will mix in stretching, foam rolling, yoga, breathing, and relaxation exercises to best recover and reduce soreness for the next day.
Annual Calendar (for Spring Sports)
The calendar below is geared toward spring sports (Track & Field, ​baseball, softball, lacrosse, etc.) Our goal is to have a steady buildup during the Fall and Winter, continue to build during the regular season in March and April, and peak during May 2020 for the postseason!

Key Insight: Steady and consistent gains. Great athletes are not created overnight. Real improvement takes time, focus, effort, and patience. To achieve success as an athlete, it's important to start early, train often, take it one step at a time, and recover well to avoid injuries and setbacks. To learn more, check out Coach Mickey's 2018 presentation on What Makes a Great Athlete where he reviewed best practices from professional and college sports teams in a presentation to an audience of sports performance and data science professionals.
The below chart from RunnersConnect illustrates the principle of steady gains very well. As an athletes, you want to be on the red path, not the blue one!

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